About the Coalition
The Refugee Health Coalition (RHC) is a collaborative effort of newcomer-serving organizations, healthcare providers, academics and researchers, and community members from Edmonton, Alberta.
The RHC is working to address the unique barriers that refugees face in the healthcare system in Edmonton. The RHC also aims to bridge the gap between community organizations and the healthcare system.
New members of our community face unique barriers to health and wellbeing. We aim to forge a new path together.
Value Statements:
Cultural Humility, Culturally Aware & Informed: We respect the diverse stories, experiences and rich cultural backgrounds of people new to our community and keep this at the centre of our work.
Co-Learning, Collaboration & Reciprocity: We are committed to learning together, and honouring different paths to wellbeing, informed by the multiple voices of our communities.
Equity: We recognize that the unique structural barriers new members of our community face due to power disparity require different paths in order to meet them where they are.
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